Welcome to
The Executive Club of St James
Established in 1985 to enable professional calibre people to find their lifetime partners.
Please read as much of this information as you can, details marked with an * must be read before calling us.
Most of your questions should’ve been answered from these details so we don’t waste each others time or waste your money
What makes us different
1) In depth interview with the owner
2) Selective membership-we only take on members we know the service will work for (we have to be proud of you to introduce you to our members)
3) Highly personal service with a personal advisor
4) Money back performance guarantees— no rosy promises, then a poor service.
5) The quality of the people you meet through us.
6) Extended membership

Get to know us
WHO ARE WE? We were established in 1985 by our present owner Alun Jenkins. We were set up to provide a top level introduction service for professionals. We were featured in a 5 week documentary (The Matchmaker) on BBC1 in 2001. We have over the years had the privilege of assisting some of the U.K.s most famous and successful people find their partners.
Gold membership. This is a good level of membership for many members. It is suitable for gentlemen above 5ft 9 with a solid professional occupation. It is suitable for ladies under the age of 37. Cost £1975 joining fee and a service fee of £42 per month for an active membership, you may suspend your membership for up to 5 years and activate your membership again by reactivating your service fee. VIP membership A very high level of service with quick access to the most suitable or highest quality people. It is especially applicable for members whose time is restricted for dating, it is suitable for high status individuals of either sex and especially so for: ladies over the age of 40 or aged over 37 still hoping for children. gentlemen shorter then 5ft 9 or gentlemen who would like to meet younger very attractive ladies. Any special discounts? All members pay the same price for memberships save for these special conditions. Slim attractive ladies under ages 25 to 28 , 20% discount Skin colours to compensate for fall off in the service Asian 20% African 40%
We only offer memberships to people we honestly believe the service is going to be successful for. So unless there is something special about you we do not recommend our service to ladies over size 12/14, aged under 25 or over very early 50’s.We are not very successful for males aged under 28 or over early 60’s. We will advise you of better ways of meeting people by joining us.
Who do we not accept as members
We do not accept clients into membership unless:
You must be seriously looking for the ‘special one’ to spend your life with. We don’t accept anyone looking for more short term relationships. You have to be unattached and not living with a partner. We have to believe you are an honest, decent, socially skilled person that both we and our members would be proud to meet hence why we give all clients a free or subsidised interview lasting either 3 or 4 to even 5 hours (see “why long or short interviews”
The shorter interview is 3 hours.
Males, if you had no problems attracting intelligent attractive females and have had proper relationships lasting at least 2 years, a 3 hour interview will suffice for us both to decide is this the right choice for you, If not, make use of the 4 to 5 hour subsidised longer interview and make use of our 37 years of experience.
Females If you have had a relationships lasting at least two years and also a decent relationship in the last two years with guys who put you first, were strong, caring and successful, a short interview will do otherwise you would be a fool not to opt for the longer interview of 5 hours.(which I charge non-members £495 for) and in most cases life changing.
The long interviews
Females if you’re still searching for Mr Right after 30 you need help. With our 37 years’ experience we know that certain lifestyle experiences seriously reduces your chances of ever finding a good long term relationship. Some of the main reasons that have a negative effect on finding the ideal partner are, Single sex schooling, absent father, not close to your father as a child, weak father or strong mother, not feeling protected as a child. Then these factors will usually attract unfaithful, cheating, uncaring, mummies boys or emotionally weak males as your partners.
Males- Not close to your mother as a child, or too close to your mother as an adult, all boys school, too overdriven, you need a more caring and protective side required to your nature to attract your partner for a magic relationship.
What’s involved in a long interview?
Understanding why you have not found that special one already
A map of what it requires for you to achieve success in a relationship.
If you do not change something about today, tomorrow will be a repeat of the part.
Cost of interviews.
Short interviews.
at our office in Seaford ( near Brighton) or your home on London free of charge. Ay your home more than 10 miles from central London, or in private conference room in a London Hotel £25
Long interviews.
At your home in London or within 25 miles of central London or in a private conference room in a London Hotel £60 or at our base in Seaford free.
We actually give you a written prediction of your likely success rate at your interview and a written refund guarantee should we fail to offer you a minimum number of high quality introduction.
Rough success rate
Males 5”10+ aged 40+ 98%
Aged 30+39 95%
5”3-5”8 aged 27-31 size 10 or less 95%
32-38 90%
39-43 80%
44-49 70%
50-55 50%
How long does it take
To find that special one- you have to put some time and effort into it, be guided by our 10 rule, for every 10 people you date through us. 2 are likely to be unsuitable, 6 very good but not special enough to be the one. and 2 out of 10 you will have several dates until eventually meeting the special one. It is unusual to have met 18 people through us and still require our services. Depending on you and your requirements this can take between 5 and 18 months.
We run one to one training courses using our 37 years experience in the dating business
The course consists of a 2 hour, one to one training session
Males– What women are really looking for in relationship and their ‘hot buttons’
How to approach any women for a first date without being rejected
How to charm any women from a first date onwards so you will be the best date she’s ever had.
What males are really seeking in a relationship make him notice you and trigger him to ask you for a date
How to make the first date the best he’ll ever have
How to convert sexual attraction into a committed relationship, putting you first.
cost of the courses £350 or share the course with friend (3hours) at £225 each
Cost of these course to Executive Club members £120 at home or £170 at a private conference room in a hotel near you.
VIP members FREE
Where do you interview and is there a cost?
Clients are usually interviewed at our London training center, at Parliament
View opposite The House of Commons or at your home.
95% of ALL WOMEN NEED and will benefit from the 5-hour interview
and 85% of men opt for one.
NOTE: We REFUND 50% of your interview fee up to £30 from the membership
fees over £500 if you join at your interview.
1) Make sure you have read these notes, will not arrange an interview if you could not be bothered to read most of these notes.
2) Phone our owner Alun on 07754257642 ( best 6pm to 9pm any day) don’t text or email, we need to have a conversation to decide if an interview is appropriate for you.
3) Call when you are relaxed and have15 minutes to talk. Alun is best to call when he is also relaxed between 6pm and 9:30pm. If he is busy, he will tell you when he is free to call again or will ask when is convenient for him to call you.
4) If appropriate we will arrange an interview either at your home or at base in Seaford or a private interview room at a London hotel. Cost short interview at your home or at Seaford-Free
Change your mind , for any reason should you wish to cancel your membership for 100% refund of your joining fee.
Within one month of joining if you feel you could have joined a better service anywhere in the World, join them send proof of joining and we will refund your joining fee towards the cost of their joining fees.
1. We will talk through a basic screening process on the telephone, height, occupation etc and if appropriate arrange an interview.
2. Arrange an interview either 2-3 hours or 4-5 hours as appropriate.
3. There is no pressure to join, you may go away and think about it or join on the day with the refund guarantees if you change your mind we may also decline to accept clients as members
4. For members we take basic details and pass these over to our dating consultants who will contact you to define your dating requirements.
5. Your dating consultant will use her extensive data base and select suitable introductions for you to meet and tell you about them. You are free to accept or reject these suggestions.
6. If you reject the introduction neither of you would even know each others first name, if you accept the date a dating consultant will contact the other party to tell them about you. If the other party is agreeable we pass over your first name only and call you with the persons first name and contact details.
7. We expect you to contact the person and unless you very strong reasons, you are expected to meet face to face within 10 days albeit for at least a 15 minute coffee.
To arrange a meeting and just not turn up will usually trigger us to stop arranging other dates for you.
Note As we have had some of world’s most famous people as clients we have a strict confidentiality contract see Confidentiality agreement in these notes.
£42 per month.
EXTENDED MEMBERSHIP. Provided the monthly service fee is maintained your membership remains active. You may suspend your membership at anytime for up to 5 years. To re-activate your membership you back pay one month’s service fee plus your normal service fee to restart your full membership
WE DO NOT LIMIT YOUR TOTAL INTRODUCTIONS. You are able to activate introductions throughout your membership, up to 2 in a month, in addition members may also be requesting to meet you.
PERSONAL ADVISORS. You will be allocated a dedicated personal advisor at our dating centre in Sussex they will recommend and help you to select and arrange your introductions.
CALL BACK. We telephone or text you back with the answer to your request for an introduction as soon as we have the answer. This means you could be talking to your date within minutes of requesting them.
ADDITIONAL DATA BASE Your advisor is allowed to use a special data base of people who have
responded to specific advertisements placed for our VIP members.
TRAINING. We strongly recommend a one to one 2 hour flirt training sessionat the reduced price of £120/£170 ( normal price £350).
RECOMMEND A FRIEND For clients who join at Gold level or above from your recommendation we will refund to you (after they have cleared their two month refund guarantee), £100 for each lady and £200 for each man we accept
NOTE. Remember if you want dates call and talk to your advisor we do not call you unless a member is requesting you.
Service centre: Executive Club, Hurdis House, 10 Broad Street, Seaford. East Sussex. BN25 1ND
R.A., & S. Jenkins.
You have been accepted as a Gold Member. Providing your joining fee has been paid in full you will remain a member for as long a you continue to pay the monthly service fee. If you stop the monthly payment, your active membership will cease. To continue the service, you would need to “back pay” one months service fee of £42. plus your normal service fee, The joining fee is £1975. plus a monthly service fee is £42 per month. Service fees are members contribution to the running expenses of the club, i.e. salaries, telephones rents etc.), which will be deducted by standing order commencing
Our club provides an introduction service. You are invited to make contact with persons we feel may be suitable for you. We cannot, of course, guarantee in anyway who will be available or their ultimate compatibility. We enable you to meet a range of members so that you may enlarge your circle of friends allowing you a greater chance of finding someone special. WE CANNOT GUARANTEE “success” be it falling in love getting married or otherwise. We cannot make people like you. We can only provide you with the opportunity to meet people. Who you meet is within your control, however, providing you have used our service to the full (which includes at least attending the heavily subsidised flirt training course) and not prejudiced our ability to provide service to you, or materially changed the specification of the type of person you would like to meet from that specified when joining, we shall guarantee each member a choice of a minimum of 10* introductions within your first 12 months of active membership or reduced pro rata against the full membership fee if an age or skin discount was given.. (* or in your case amended to …….introductions due to
Should we fail to offer the said number of introductions, you may at your request, terminate your membership between 12 and 14 months after Joining and receive a refund of your joining fee proportional to the shortfall of the service. i.e. only 8 introductions (from a promised 10) would receive a 20% refund, this, and all refunds, are conditional that you are not in arrears with any payments due to us and currently are not, or in the future, in a relationship with a person introduced through us.
You agree to keep details and identities of any member absolutely confidential, to tell any third party information that would identify an individual as belonging to an introduction service or a member of The Executive Club would be a serious breach of confidentiality and of this contract. It would result is us refusing to introduce you to any further contacts without refund. You have signed a separate full confidentiality agreement (and given your own copy) which is a condition of this contract. You also undertake to treat all persons with courtesy and manners. To “stand up” a date will after investigation, usually result in us withdrawing membership without refund. You are expected to in a manner that does not bring discredit to yourself, a person introduced through us, or to our organisation. We will remove membership
without refund of members whose behaviour does, or is likely to, offend others You are under no obligation to accept any introduction but if do accept, it is condition of membership you will meet face to face, albeit for a 20minute coffee.
You also agree to inform us of any changes to your circumstances job, weight, medical conditions etc.
All statements made by our representatives shall be true, fair and accurate. They will not mislead you, or create expectations that cannot be met. Membership is not offered unless they are convinced that our service will significantly improve your social life.
With the exception of the listed “special age discounts for under 30’s ” and “colour of skin discounts” all new members pay the list price, we NEVER discount. Membership is based on the condition that all members will meet in Central London. We have explained our “10” rule whereby on average you must meet 20 members of YOUR choosing TWICE, to find your long-term partner. “Members Questions Answered” was available before joining from our web site and also a copy of notes “What Happens Now” is given to members at their interview. We take great pride in the quality of our membership. We investigate any
complaints and withdraw membership from people not up to our expected standards.
Probable success rate – personal to you. Below is a realistic estimate of the likely success rate for your circumstances. This
prediction is based on you making full use of our service including at least the training course on flirting and as well as making proper use of the notes and information we have provided to you. The number of introductions required, is based on meeting this number of members of your choosing TWICE. The time scale is on the basis that you put at least one evening a week to meeting people and developing relationships. Although we cannot guarantee the outcome of our service we certify that these estimates are a realistic expectation of your likely success rate.
Definitions of success: A: being introduced to three good quality people. B: having a friend nice enough to go on holiday with/ongoing sexual relationship. C: having a partner good enough to live with or get married to. D: * finding a true soul-mate to settle down with (like maybe 1 in 40 marriages at best achieve) * we rarely give this prediction.
A number of dates time period probability
A 3 dates ……………….. ……………….
B intimate / holiday ………. ……………….. ……………….
C steady partner / married ………. ……………….. ……………….
D True life soulmate ……….. ………………… ………………..
Within one month of joining, we will refund your registration fee, towards the ** normal joining fee of ANY other dating service in the world, providing non of our fee’s are overdue. It is conditional on you not meeting more than two members and you are not still meeting, intend to meet or at any time in the future, have a relationship with, a member we have introduced you to. To claim the refund, join the new agency, fully complete our refund form, sending proof of payment made to your new agency and we will refund the fee up to a maximum of our registration fee If the new agency is less expensive than us, we will refund their joining fee and retain the balance. Any training sessions, taken will be charged at the normal published rate. Service fees shall be payable from the date of joining until date of giving notice of cancellation
** To prevent abuse of our guarantee, we do not refund towards “specially made”, “non-listed” or “bespoke special memberships”, only genuine memberships previously sold within the last 12 months, listed and priced in their standard brochure or details as supplied before interview.
You have been accepted as a “V.I.P.” member of VIP Services. The main benefits have been listed and supplied to you separately and are part of the contract obligations from VIP Services. VIP Services is one of the most exclusive introduction services in the UK. We have given you a
service specification. Providing your joining fee has been paid in full you will remain a member for as long as you continue to pay the monthly service fee. If you stop the monthly payment, your active membership will cease. To continue the service, you need to “back pay” two months service fee (less a total of 9 months free freeze period). The joining fee is £5,975 which is spent on marketing) and the monthly service fee is £135.00 per month (which is the members contribution to the running expenses of the club, i.e. salaries, telephones etc. and the clubs profit), which will be deducted by standing order commencing.
Our club provides an introduction service by spending members joining fees on marketing to attract new members. You are invited to make contact with those we feel may be suitable for you. We cannot, of course, guarantee in anyway who will join, or their ultimate compatibility. We enable you to meet a wide range of members so that you may enlarge your circle of friends allowing you a greater chance of finding someone special. WE CANNOT GUARANTEE “success” be it falling in love, getting married or otherwise. We cannot make people like you. We can only provide you with the opportunity to meet people. Who you meet is within your control, however, providing you have used our service to the full (which includes at least attending a heavily subsidised flirt training course) and not prejudiced our ability to provide a service to you, or materially changed the specification of the type of person you would like to meet from that specified when joining, we shall in addition to our refund guarantee detailed overleaf, guarantee each member a choice of a minimum of 10* introductions within your first 12 months of active membership or extended to 18 months if you are lady aged over 47 or were given an age or skin discount..
Should we fail to offer the said number of introductions then, you may at your request, terminate your membership between 12 and 14 months after joining and receive a refund of your joining fee proportional to the shortfall of the service. i.e. 8 introductions (from a promised 10) would receive a 20% refund, this, and all refund guarantees are conditional that you are not in a relationship with a member introduced through us or still meeting or intend to meet a member introduced through us.
You hereby undertake to treat our members with courtesy and good manners. To “stand up” a member will after investigation, usually result in us withdrawing membership without refund. You are expected to act in a manner that does not bring discredit to yourself or a fellow member, or to our organisation. We will remove membership without refund of members whose behaviour does, or is likely to, offend other members. You are under no obligation to accept an introduction but if you do, it is a condition of membership you will meet face to face albeit for a 20 minute coffee. You also agree to inform us of any changes in your circumstances, job, weight, living arrangements, medical conditions etc.
You will receive privileged and confidential information about members of various dating organisations, which may include sight of photographs.
A condition of this exceptional level of service is on the following conditions. You agree to keep details and identities of any member absolutely confidential and have signed a separate confidentiality agreement. We would prefer that you avoid telling members that you had sight of their photographs etc. as it can unnerve people into thinking we show their photographs to just anybody when in fact, it is restricted only to members we have hand selected for high level members. You agree to keep VIP Services informed of any significant changes to your
circumstances, change of job, living with someone, medical condition weight gain etc.
Within six weeks of joining, we will refund your registration fee, towards the ** normal joining fee of ANY other dating service in the world, providing non of our fee’s are overdue. It is conditional on you not meeting more than two members and you are not still meeting, intend to meet or at any time in the future have a relationship with, a member we have introduced you to. If you have had a home visit we retain 15% of the fee to cover this. To claim the refund, join the new agency, fully complete our refund form, sending proof of payment made to your new agency and we will refund the fee up to a maximum of our registration fee If the new agency is less expensive than us, we will refund their joining fee and retain the balance. Any training sessions, or photo shoot sessions etc., taken will be charged at the normal full published rate. Service fees shall be payable from the date of joining until date of giving notice of cancellation
** To prevent abuse of our guarantee, we do not refund towards “specially made”, “non-listed” or “bespoke special memberships”, only genuine memberships previously sold within the last 12 months, listed and priced in their
standard brochure as supplied before interview.
All statements made by our representatives shall be true, fair and accurate. They will not mislead you, or create expectations that cannot be met. Membership is not offered unless they are convinced that our service will significantly improve your social life.
With the exception of the listed “special age discounts for under 30’s ” and “colour of skin discounts” all new members pay the list price, we NEVER discount. Membership is based on the condition that all members will meet in Central London. We have explained our “10” rule whereby on average you must meet 20 members of YOUR choosing TWICE, to find your long-term partner. “Members Questions Answered” was available before joining from our web site plus a copy of “What Happens Now”. Is given to members at their interview. We take great pride in the quality of our membership. We investigate any complaints and withdraw membership from people not up to our expected standards.
Probable success rate – personal to you. Below is a realistic estimate of the likely success rate for your circumstances. This
A number of dates time period probability
A 3 dates ……………….. ……………….
B intimate / holiday ………. ……………….. ……………….
C steady partner / married ………. ……………….. ……………….
D True life soulmate ……….. ………………… ………………..
prediction is based on you making full use of our service including training courses and making proper use of the notes and
information we have provided to you. The number of introductions required, is based on meeting this number of members of your choosing TWICE. The time scale is on the basis that you put at least one evening a week to meeting people and developing the relationships. Although we cannot guarantee the outcome of our service we certify that these estimates are a realistic
expectation of your likely success rate.
Definitions of success: A: being introduced to three good quality people. B: having a friend nice enough to go on holiday with/ sexual friendship C: having a partner good enough to live with or get married.. D: * finding a true soul-mate to settle down with (like maybe 1 in 40 marriages at best achieve) * we rarely give this prediction.
Service Fee £135.00 per month.
HOME INTERVIEW. You are interviewed at home by us.
EXTENDED MEMBERSHIP. Provided the monthly service is maintained your membership remains active. You may suspend your active membership at any time and reactivate it anytime within 5 years of joining to continue active membership..
FREEZE PERIOD. You may suspend your membership at any stage by notifying us by telephone. We will issue you with a cancellation number and confirm it in writing. You do not pay any fees whilst your membership is in suspension. To reactivate your membership you “back pay” two months service fee and reactivate the current monthly service fee. You may miss up to nine months service payments without the need to back pay any fees to reinstate your active membership.
PERSONAL ATTENTION. Your advisor will be a V.I.P. advisor who will personally arrange your introductions to ensure you receive a top level of service. You are given special access telephone numbers including your advisors mobile so you have access at all reasonable times. You may request further refresher relationship coaching meetings with Alun Jenkins. Free of charge.
PRIORITY DATING. Your advisor will look at all the new members joining the organisation and give you priority and will recommend those they feel to be appropriate. This enables you to jump to the front of the queue Your advisor also has access to many of the UK top introduction agencies and with your permission may arrange introductions for you with their best members..
EXTENDED DATING CHOICE We have special arrangements with many of the UK’s top professional dating agencies ( costing significantly more in membership fees) to enable you to access the best of their members. They may ask for additional information from you including a photograph as their membership but we always seek your permission each time.
PERSONAL HEADHUNTING. We may at our discretion and with your permission place specific advertisements to attract non members to apply to meet you. You may also ask us to place such advertisements and we will contribute 30% towards the costs.
ADDITIONAL DATA BASES. We have access to other data bases of non members we have built up by advertising specifically for special people). Your advisor is allowed to access these resources on your behalf.. You will always be informed if someone is not a member.
PHOTOGRAPHS AND ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. You are usually allowed to see photographs of members before meeting them ( unless we have been especially forbidden by the client to do so). If you are prepared to sign a special VIP confidentiality agreement we can E:mail or post photographs to you but they must be destroyed within 10 days and never shown to another person
SPECIAL ARRANGEMENTS. We can organise a house party and guests for you, or host a dinner party at a restaurant for yourself and 3 or 4 guests etc. Ask us and we will give serious consideration to any reasonable request.
TRAINING COURSES We have range of training courses available to VIP members , the flirting course is FREE and further courses for VIP members at £80 half day £120 full day.
ADDITIONAL COACHING/ADVICE – FREE You may request any refresher courses with the owner free of charge
HOT LINE You will have full access to your advisor via her personal mobile and direct a line into our office so you can contact us outside of our normal office hours.
RECOMMEND A FRIEND and if they join at Gold or above then after their two month money refund period we will make a refund to you of £100 for each lady and £200 for each man who joins .
Note ALL appointments made will carry a £30 cancellation fee if cancelled with at least 24hrs notice otherwise a fee of £60 is charged as costs will be incurred The courses are normally held on weekdays, there is cost of £35 chargeable for week-end and Bank Holiday bookings.
As we have had many well known and famous clients it is a legally binding condition to being told or shown details of and/or introduced to any person through the services of The Executive Club and or VIP Services of Hurdis House, 10 Broad Street , Seaford that you will maintain absolute confidentiality.
Unless the other party is in FULL agreement, you agree you will not inform any other person of the identity of any person shown or introduced to you as being a member of The Executive Club, VIP Services or indeed of any introduction/dating agency. You further agree not to pass on information such as selling a story of a relationship etc., initiated or arranged by us to any outside source such as the media etc., or making any reference on social media etc. To an identifiable individual.
Should you break this confidentiality agreement then for EACH and EVERY breach of this agreement you agree to donate £500 to a charity chosen by The Executive Club and or its agents or representatives.
You agree not to profit from any such breeches and any monies made by such breeches will be donated to a charity that the The Executive Club chooses. The Executive Club and/or its agents are at liberty to pursue such breeches by legal means. Should any part of this agreement be found to be unenforceable then the rest of the agreement shall stand in its own right. The obligations arising from this agreement will survive the termination of this agreement
In addition if your membership allows you sight of photographs you agree never to show such images by any means to a third party. Any such images however sent must be deleted within 10 days of their receipt.
The Executive Club also agrees to keep your details confidential and only pass over details necessary to appropriate persons with the express purpose of the effective running of an introduction service. Your surname and/or address is never given out and no personal details will be passed to any third party for publicity or commercial reasons etc. We have a legal duty of care to you and we are obliged to take all reasonable precautions to maintain your confidentiality. All paper work relating to you when no longer required by us will be destroyed by shredding or burning and always by our own employees.
Holding of personal and confidential information. For the security of all our members you agree that we may hold information about you for 12 months after your last date with us , or longer if we have reasonable cause to suspect there could be a problem (stalking, harassment etc.). After such a period of time your information will be confidentially destroyed in line with best practice. To resurrect your membership you will need to complete personal information again for us to hold. at no charge to you.
The Executive Club of St James’s
Tel Alun on 077542 57642
Hurdis House,10 Broad Street,Seaford, BN25 1ND
owner Alun Jenkins